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Tatiana Natalie Kondo

Stage Name: Banshee


Tatiana Natalie Kondo, known by her stage name Banshee, is an award-winning hybrid artist whose primary art form is spoken word poetry. Born and raised in Harare, Zimbabwe, she has become one of the most sought-after creative advocates in the country. Banshee has represented Zimbabwe on various international platforms, including COP21 in Paris, France, DefendDefenders in Johannesburg, South Africa, and The Caravan of Hope Tour in Mozambique and Malawi.


Despite growing up in a patriarchal society that challenged her leadership and autonomy, Banshee fearlessly began her career, dedicating herself to promoting women’s rights through her rhetoric and diverse creative abilities. She is an unapologetic human rights defender, strongly advocating for equality.


Banshee’s journey in the arts began with spoken word poetry and has expanded into various forms of artistic expression. She is recognized for her captivating performances and thought-provoking poetry. Banshee continues to make a significant impact, empowering others through her art.