Everyone deserves the right to air their opinion; everyone deserves the right to speak freely; everyone deserves the right to live; no one should be restricted from respectfully sharing their beliefs and standing by them. With this in mind, it’s a big world out there with everyone holding the right to make the best out of it, with my music being used as a tool to drive same accordingly
Oyewo Abimbola Josephine popularly known as “Herbeembola” born on June 06, 1996 in Lagos State is the first amongst four kids with a lovely father and mother. Since her birth, Herbeembola developed natural interest in music with her mother being a music person. This propelled her to joining the church choir at a younger age, backing up and further growing to a lead vocal. In her tertiary education days, she joined different musical groups, singing to every ear that is willing to listen and entertaining people at different events and occasion. After growing rapidly